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Friday, August 20, 2010

Dental Assisting School

Dental Assisting is a very rewarding career and many find it an excellent job to meet with busy schedules. The average full-time dental assistant yearly income in Salt Lake City, Utah is $36,000.00. Dental Assistants are trained to give oral health instructions and educate patients on correct oral hygiene. Dental Assistants are expected to assist the dentist, while multitasking the sterilization and correct procedure set-ups throughout the day.
One of the things we learned in class today is Dental Radiology. Our students will receive their radiology tests next week and must be prepared! Our Students worked in our dental office and took several dental x-rays on their fellow students. Correct instruction is key to understanding horizontal and vertical angulation of the x-ray beam. Many of our students were able to achieve PERFECT Bite-wing and Periapical x-rays!! Congratulations ladies!

We are proud to teach and train all of our Dental Assisting Students on every skill and requirement they will meet in the dental field. Our Dental Assisting School in Utah County offers a wonderful class environment and hands-on training in our functioning dental office. Check out our website for more information or call today to schedule a tour! 801-369-1563

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