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Saturday, July 31, 2010

Dental Assisting School in Utah

The dental assistant occupation in Utah may offer a variety of dental specialty options to choose from. Our Dental Assisting Program in Utah County offers a course in specific Dental Specialties ranging from Office Management, Endodontics, Oral Surgery. Periodontics, or Pediatric Dentistry. We encourage all of our students to intern at each dental specialty in order to make an educated career choice.

In addition to our unique lessons, our Dental Assisting School in Utah is located in the same business office as a functioning dental office. This allows our students to complete morning lectures and then practice their skills in a dental office for several hours in the afternoon. We have found that this combination of lessons and hands-on work produces the best learning experience possible. The dental assistant students are allowed to intern at the dental office in our building and work directly with the Dentist throughout the course.

Dentistry offers so many career options! Our Dental Assisting School in Utah County offers the best hands-on learning experience with updated technology so that our students are ready and prepared for the workforce the second they graduate. Call us today at 801-369-1563 for a tour of our school or check out our website for more information! We look forward to hearing from you soon!

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